Time machine…

10653550_1013977678663407_5080614958976624565_nWhy don’t we start off 2016 by talking about going back in time? That seems appropriate. Now, like everyone else who loves classic movies, I wish I had a time machine. In fact, we all say that all the time. I’ve actually googled how to build a time machine and whether it’d work or not. Well, not really, I didn’t actually google it, ‘cause that’d be weird, even for me. But I did hear that it wouldn’t work. But let’s imagine it would. Obviously, 1940s Hollywood is the very first stop. But which year, specifically? After much deliberation, I’ve settled for 1942. And here’s why: that’s the year Casablanca came out, so I would have loved to go to the premiere; it’s also the year the very fantastic Carole Lombard died in that plane crash, so I’d like to think I could have stopped her from boarding the plane; and like Casablanca, I’d love to have watched Woman of the Year for the first time on the big screen when it premiered. In fact, the first encounter between Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy (which was actually in 1941, but hey) is the historic moment I’d love to have witnessed the most. Everyone goes on about JFK’s assassination, or The Beatles performing on The Ed Sullivan Show, or Charles and Diana’s wedding. No, no, no. Call me shallow, but give me Kate and Spencer any day of the week. Oh, and 1942 is also the year Bette Davis and John Garfield founded the Hollywood Canteen, so I’d love to pop in and have a swell time with all those movie stars! Ah, if only.


12 thoughts on “Time machine…

  1. stevedallas

    It’s not a classic movie, but Safety Not Guaranteed is a great indie movie about time travel. And if we can’t go back in time, can we at least agree to stop making everything new so gosh darn ugly? Forties cars look like they were designed by Matisse. Cars today look like they were designed by someone who worked before for a door stop company. And can we bring back glamour photography, please?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’ve always thought it would be fascinating to stop in at the Hollywood Canteen back in the day. It seemed to be a terrific morale booster for the US armed forces. The Canteen was a brilliant idea – it’s refreshing to see celebrities using their fame for the good of others, instead of continually focusing on their own careers.

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  3. caracoleta07

    Oh I’ve had a fixation with time travel since before I knew it was ‘a thing’. I remember thinking it should be possible to go back in time when I was as young as 3 years old.

    Oh I’d definitely would visit the 40’s. Have wanted to do it for a decade now. Not sure what year though. What I do know is that I’d love to befriend Barbara Stanwyck

    Good choice! That way my birthday would not be Lombard’s date of death

    If only indeed!

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