Katharine Hepburn on The Dick Cavett Show, October 1973

I’m not saying Katharine Hepburn’s once in a lifetime appearance on The Dick Cavett Show is one of my favorite things that’s ever happened in pop culture history, but… yeah, it is. From re-arranging the furniture, because duh, to deciding to go ahead right then and there after showing up for a quick test with Cavett, to, of course, displaying her Katharine Hepburn awesomeness for everyone to see, this whole thing is a sight to behold. And we got two nights out of it! So, I wish you a happy Kate Day and I hope you check it out on YouTube, if you haven’t already!

2 thoughts on “Katharine Hepburn on The Dick Cavett Show, October 1973

  1. Mike Noonan

    Yes. I saw it . Was a big fan of the Dick Cavett show. I remember the big word fight between Norman mailer and gore Vidal. You could only see things like this on his show. Happy Kate Day!

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