Goodbye Ziggy <3

1933727_10207201388547260_2102849446062174943_nYesterday was a bittersweet day. It was my mom’s 60th birthday AND the great David Bowie passed away. Well, actually, he passed away on the 10th, but the world only learned about it yesterday. I refused to believe it at first (‘it’s just one of those Facebook hoaxes’), but it wasn’t. I cried all morning while listening to his songs. Ever since I heard Rebel Rebel for the first time years ago, he has been my favorite. As I said on my Facebook page, I don’t think anyone was ever as influential in the music scene as Bowie. Not Elvis, not Michael Jackson, not even Madonna. Anyone who started making music after, say, 1975, will inevitably list him as their top hero. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you about his many personas or his ever-changing music style, because his legacy lives on and speaks for itself. But it is overwhelming to think about the fact that he released an album practically every year of the 70’s and they were all so completely different. How in the world did he do it?! Just think, Hunky Dory, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, Aladdin Sane, Diamond Dogs and Young Americans were all released back to back, in the order. Isn’t it amazing? And this there’s the movies. Who doesn’t love Labyrinth or The Man who fell to Earth?

Facebook was of course filled his photos, videos, interviews, tributes… The whole world is in mourning. Understandably so. My mom and I had dinner at the Hard Rock Café last night (I was wearing my ‘Ziggy Played Guitar’ top, of course), and they played his videos, and we just sang along and talked about him. Because there’s so much to say!

Goodbye David Bowie 1947 – 2016, we love you ❤

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